
This website has the goal of challenging the Status Quo that is embraced and institutionalized by the DFL in St Paul and the Metro.  Greg Copeland is an advocate for Institutional change that changes individuals lives.  Greg has been a citizen of Saint Paul since he moved here in 1992.  He and his wife Betty lived here until she passed away in the summer of 2008.

Trash Ordinance

Greg is the only Candidate willing to say in Public that he is against the Organized Trash Ordinance that passed in November 2019.


Greg believes that the children in the St Paul Public School District have been underserved by the DFL Controlled School Board, the Teachers’ Union, and the current Superintendent. Greg believes all the students in the St Paul Public Schools can achieve their full potential.  He believes that ALL MINDS MATTER.


Our St Paul Police Department needs to be a priority.  There are a number of things a functioning and vibrant city needs, being safe in one’s own home, neighborhood, schools, and at work.  The St Paul mayor has sent a signal to all law abiding citizens that he does not want to protect them anywhere in the city.  He has undercut the job the St Paul Police Department does.  It is a dangerous job and his actions have encouraged gangs, violent criminals to flourish without a care of being arrested, nor prosecuted.  That’s a powder keg waiting for a spark to ignite it.

As the City Manager of Maplewood Greg was able to hold the taxes citizens pay at the same time Greg was able to hire more police and first responders to protect the citizens of Maplewood.



One thought on “About

  1. Publius Jr.

    Ramsey County Elections did not put Greg Copeland in the right District when he filed. They did not explain to him he was in a new District. RCE shrugs and say they don’t have to check residency when people file.


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