President Trump Comes to St Paul and Says Minnesota is in Play

For those who couldn’t afford a $500 dinner of chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, and green beans and listen to the leader of the Free World, President Donald Trump, there was a free livestream.

Who is writing the teleprompter script? President Nixon won Minnesota in 1972 in his landslide victory over South Dakotan George McGovern. 1952? Must be some Millennial from HQ who went through the St Paul Public School System and failed American History class. As for the other party leaders in attendance it must feel as foreign to be in St Paul as President Trump feels here as they rarely are seen inside the City Limits of St Paul.

To Win MN Royce White & President Trump Need to Campaign Here

To win here, Statewide Candidates like the endorsed US Senate Candidate Royce White, and President Donald Trump need to pick up 25-30% of the vote inside the city limits of St Paul & Minneapolis. The plan in the past to avoid campaigning inside 2 of the largest population centers in Minnesota has failed every time it has been tried. It’s the major reason why the DFL has owned the two US Senate seats, and the Governor’s Office for most of the last 2 decades.

While the rest of the state is pushing back against pure socialism, it has been practiced here in the City called St Paul since Mayor Chris Coleman took office in 2006.  The anti-business climate in St Paul is pushing out legacy businesses, and warding off any new businesses seeking to set up shop in St Paul. People are leaving the Metro and eyeing states that allow people to enjoy the fruit of their labor.  The rest of us are either too poor to leave or are holding out hope some benevolent leader comes here to save us.

President Trump could certainly buy up some Downtown St Paul properties and transform the Downtown and Make St Paul Great Again.

In order to Make Minnesota Great Again, we need to get to work and register new voters who have been led to believe their vote means nothing and change can’t happen.  There happens to be more eligible people who could be voting in House District 66B but don’t than the DFL & Republican voters combined.  We need to register them and get them into the game. Royce White certainly can help us get voters in neighborhoods previous Statewide candidates have ignored.

This post was prepared by the Greg Copeland Campaign. Mentions of the endorsed US Senate Candidate Royce White were not authorized by his campaign, but we welcome his star power in our House District. — admin

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